This is a difficult (I hope) Reversing challenge. I developed it after excellent feedback from @Rivit and @ebouteillon who quickly solved my Riga and Recklinghausen challenges. I mean they solved them really quickly. ebo pointed out that only Ghidra was needed for those two challenges. So I designed this challenge to be more difficult and hopefully require solvers to actually use gdb. Solving this challenge is a two step process... but the steps are probably not obvious at first. If you are new to Reversing, please download the file and read the enclosed readme and reversing files for some suggestions to get started in Reversing. Reversing is a difficult subject and a 10 point Reversing chal is a lot more difficult than a 10 point Forensics chal. Good Luck!
I don't like to be one of the first 10 solvers... please send me a DM on Discord if you want to discuss. This problem has multiple solutions and I need to rework the data to avoid this. I'm glad you were able to solve it.
Ichild I agree and I apologize for that... this is an oversight on my part when I created the challenge. I need to rework update the constants used so that this does not happen. I will try and do this over the next few weeks. Congrats on solving the challenge, I realize it is more difficult the way that it is currently posted.
If you protect your comments I can't read them because I haven't solved the challenge yet. I don't like to be one of the first 10 solvers... ideally challenge creators could see and reply to comments for challenges they create but this feature is not available yet
Congratulations to Rivit for being the first solver!! Very impressive dude!!
I don't like to be one of the first 10 solvers... please send me a DM on Discord if you want to discuss. This problem has multiple solutions and I need to rework the data to avoid this. I'm glad you were able to solve it.
Ichild I agree and I apologize for that... this is an oversight on my part when I created the challenge. I need to rework update the constants used so that this does not happen. I will try and do this over the next few weeks. Congrats on solving the challenge, I realize it is more difficult the way that it is currently posted.
If you protect your comments I can't read them because I haven't solved the challenge yet. I don't like to be one of the first 10 solvers... ideally challenge creators could see and reply to comments for challenges they create but this feature is not available yet
4 months ago