Want to learn the hacker's secret? Try to smash this buffer!
You need guidance? Look no further than to Mr. Liveoverflow. He puts out nice videos you should look if you haven't already
nc thekidofarcrania.com 35235
Pwntools is great, but you don't need it for this challenge, since you can type the input directly from the command line. Just convert the ASCII hex values to their respective characters and you will pass the challenge, as long as you add enough buffer characters before it to overwrite the variable.
Excellent beginner exercise! I had heard of buffer overflow so many times but never really got into understanding what is it all about. Now I had a better understanding. Wasted hours looking at the YouTube videos of Live Overflow and did not know what to do with the nc hint at all! Also wasted time trying to compile the source code! Then, suddenly, I realised I had to use the netcat tool and enter the command as given in the hint in my Kali Linux VM. Then I just play around and observe how different lengths of input string changes the memory. One trick: the way the code reads the bytes is opposite from the way to override the bytes.
2 weeks ago
thekidofarcrania.com [...] 35235 (?) : Connection refused