I divided the flag into several parts and packed using zip with very very STRONG password. I'm sure you won't get the flag back!
interesting challenge, thanks
its very easy with https://github.com/kmyk/zip-crc-cracker
Read this and you will be able to do it. i will go https://github.com/kmyk/zip-crc-cracker
As said below: (1) thanks for the hint (no bruteforcing, no wordlists) (2) learnt something new: thanks
Thanks Rivit, I learned something new :)
5 months ago
It was terrible. What's a difference with bruteforcing the password and a CRC32? The other thing is the cracker doesn't work on my computer for some reason. Even if it did, is the purpose of solving CTF to just put it to the already made software that will print you the ready flag?