Raspberry Reversing Challenge
This 20 point challenge is specifically created for people new to reversing and assembly language programming. You can solve this first using Ghidra or IDA if you want to just get the flag and solve the challenge.
If you want to start learning some assembly language programming to build the skills needed to solve some of the more difficult reversing challenges, then step through the debugger and examine the registers to see how each each letter in the flag is determined to be correct or incorrect.
This challenge gives people new to assembly language programming the chance to learn mov, xor, cmp, jmp, call, add, sub, mul, div and shl instructions when they operate on a single byte (for most of the letters in the flag).
Good luck and have fun!
This one is gold for newbies
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.
Congrats, way to hang in there and get the solution!
Learning some assembler was the whole point of the challenge :-)
This one is gold for newbies
oh,thanks bro, you got me something new to learn, and i see your homenet, you are truly amazing
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.
2 months ago
Great for beginners - thanks for the time and effort with the readme etc. Very nice entry to assembly and gdb.