HINT: Use a proxy like BurpSuite to modify the http header.
use this command ┌─[✗]─[root@parrot]─[/home/raju] └──╼ #curl "" --user-agent "Sup3rS3cr3tAg3nt" --referer awesomesauce.com
Its almost the same procedure in solving challenge114 but you have to apply curl concept of writing header
Need to use "Referer" and not "Origin" for your header
20 hours ago
can use burpsuite to User-Agent: Sup3rS3cr3tAg3nt Referer: awesomesauce.com to all requests or curl curl --user-agent "Sup3rS3cr3tAg3nt" --referer awesomesauce.com r.php