I received a strange letter in the mail, when I unfolded the document inside, I discovered this matrix bar code. Can you figure out what it contains?
1 month ago
Neat, but I agree it's a bit on the easy side
4 months ago
I have lost my knowledge in memory allocation. Best Challenge to Re-learn it. Use gdb
1 year ago
Preaty easy in comparasion with R* chalenges
An interesting challenge
this should be 10 pointer.. it is 30 points for free.. btw.. nice challenge.. some forensic challenge memories came back..
2 years ago
Loved it!
Really, really, REALLY cool challenge to get into reving!
This was Easy as 10 pts, can easily be done with QR Decode + gdb only
3 years ago
Very satisfying. If you have trouble, look for a book called "Practical Binary Analysis" by Dennis Andriesse. Amazing book explains everything perfectly.
I should admit that i cheet but i'm learning from You guys, so thank you
1 month ago
Neat, but I agree it's a bit on the easy side