use cmd line tools :)
I'm LOST, please help me, I'm new to this and have no idea what I'm doing
ok, I'm brand new to this and I'm either lucky as hell or normal lucky? I opened the source code and ctrl f typed password see what shows up, two lines shows up with curl and ones has find it for the password and the other has what seemingly is a password. one has .x for the ip other has .113 so I took the one with the "real" password and replaced the .x with the .113 and entered it into my VM and it worked... I solved it... but I have no idea what curl does or how it works. I just used random thoughts in my head that sprung from the super liquid I drank this morning? (water) thoughts?
Use this command curl "http://165.227.106.x/post.php" -d "username=admin&password=71urlkufpsdnlkadsf"
Incorrect difficulty, should be EASY
nerd emoji
curl -X POST -d 'username=<find it>' -d 'password=<find it>'
10 hours ago
dead ?