Well, this is not a time limited CTF competition, so you can wait for the flag...
1 month ago
Nice chall. It worth to solve. Could I see the source to know how the first a_func() exactly work?
1 day ago
5 months ago
9 months ago
Is this set on an exponential or fixed time frame? from what I have so far it looks like exponential.
1 year ago
any hint ??
Hint : :)
soo i just wait ? :D
theoretically - yes, but you would have to live forever ;)
this challenge had gaved me a headache and i had didn't solve it :')
any tips ?
2 years ago
Awesome challenge! Thank you, Rivit. Do do you share the sources like @kcbowhunter does? I'm very curious how you generated those numbers.
Unfortunately challenge sources stay private for now :) How I generated numbers - z3 + python ;)
1 month ago
Nice chall. It worth to solve. Could I see the source to know how the first a_func() exactly work?