Skynet is using a very small list of primes for RSA style encryption purposes. In fact their list is only the size of the smallest odd prime. One of the robots sent a message to three other robots. These are futuristic robots with the ability to use quantum computing and so they don't mind prime factoring huge numbers.You can't do that though. Find out what message the robot sent to his friends. Flag is in flag{} format.!7WZg2I5I!UiyBukv8_IjartojnY86nhN5jsQFKE4tPCEF1lPqsQ8
4 minutes solve this challenge. Why there is alot primes but first one is the key :D
really not worth 160 points, but overall good problem
8 months ago
It was just a 30 sec solution It should be in easy section hint:- dcode it