My friend likes to keep secret stuff inside a safe-box.
I have kept bugging him for the combination to the safe. He finally gave this link:!KP5XwZTA!KPEHBt-w-5x-9_7mevBAQo5AGcs82gQSQKscae34jnA to me. When I opened it I got this puzzling combo box. He told me "Follow the links down the rabbit-hole! There's only one correct path!"<br />
Can you figure out the combination safe lock?
logic thinking is needed for this challenge ^_^
Unzip, extract all the references from one slide to another with .xml.rels by doing something like this:
for i in {1..15};do echo -ne "Slide$i \t\t";xmllint --format ppt/slides/_rels/slide$i.xml.rels | grep -iE -o 'slide..?\.xml'| sed 's/slide//g;s/\.xml/,/g' | tr -d '\n';echo ;done
Since the success slide is 14th, grep out the slide which links to 14, let's suppose 6, then grep out that slide's link in another and so on.... That will give you in which order you've to go to the slides to reach the success slide.
Find the button which links to the next slide, let's suppose from 10th slide we've to go to 3rd, and that link to 3rd slide is on button 7 on 10th slide... Your first digit for the code is 7.. continue this (you can even automate this by checking out the slides*.xml). But doing this manually won't take much of a time. Maybe 2-5 mins.
Enjoy.. Not that great of challenge tbh.
Unzip, extract all the references from one slide to another with .xml.rels by doing something like this:
for i in {1..15};do echo -ne "Slide$i \t\t";xmllint --format ppt/slides/_rels/slide$i.xml.rels | grep -iE -o 'slide..?\.xml'| sed 's/slide//g;s/\.xml/,/g' | tr -d '\n';echo ;done
Since the success slide is 14th, grep out the slide which links to 14, let's suppose 6, then grep out that slide's link in another and so on.... That will give you in which order you've to go to the slides to reach the success slide.
Find the button which links to the next slide, let's suppose from 10th slide we've to go to 3rd, and that link to 3rd slide is on button 7 on 10th slide... Your first digit for the code is 7.. continue this (you can even automate this by checking out the slides*.xml). But doing this manually won't take much of a time. Maybe 2-5 mins.
Enjoy.. Not that great of challenge tbh.
Better to be in Easy or Medium, sort of what like Lyzeum said
logic thinking is needed for this challenge ^_^
1 year ago
Trying from last 3 hours but can't reach to slide 14. Any Hint or something that might help me