My friend sent me some Python code, but something tells me he was hungry when he wrote it. Do you think you can put your reverse engineering skills to use and get it to output the flag?
mansi sucks ass
fk u bishes
Not sure how to proceed. Downloaded eat script, found a line if eateat == "E10a23t9090t9ae0140":
Tried to work out backwards and got to a possible flag, but then i am stuck. Not sure where does the "ae0140" ending comes from above's if statement. How do you people brute force in this case?
In case you are lost, renaming the variables could be helpful.
fk u bishes
mansi sucks ass
Thanks for this one ("find/replace" + a little pen / paper to understand the "mingling" logic was straight forward)
6 months ago
Sorry to bring slang into this, but you absolutely... ATE. :)