I've just graduated the Super Agent School. This is my first day as a spy. The Master-Mind sent me the secret message, but I don't remember how to read this. Help!
Interesting, but not easy
Can anyone tell my why in Cyberchef first five bits are 01000 while in hexdump it is 01110? Why the hexdump view give additional dots?
hint: in binary: space is a zero, dot is a one
Was really hard. I don't think it should be in the easy section! For those still searching, don't look for pattern, understand why there is dot and blank.
I don't know how to program yet (only recently started, so still a noobie) but I found a way to do this by simply using Cyberchef. I first tried opening using notepad and by using select-all, I could see there was something in there but just couldn't view it. By opening the file in Cyberchef, you can see it's a series of dots and spaces. I was stumped at first but from the comments, I realised it was binary, so I copied them and made them the input in Cyberchef. I tried manually changing them to 1's and 0's but after messing it up twice (and wasting two hours), I googled and realised you can use Cyberchef to convert them using Find/Replace. Then I used from Binary and the message was revealed :)
Another nice challenge to train you not to overthink.
Find and Replace
2 months ago